Thursday, March 14, 2013

Catching Up!

Well, what can I say... I am truly sorry for holding you all up, and holding up your books.  But here are the three I had, all done!
 Roland's Moly
 Niniji's Moly
Barbara's Moly

I can't find the details for accessing the spreadsheet.  Roland can you please email me your address (roly1444( at )  Niniji and Barbara's books, who do I send them to?  They have all three Australian entries in them.


benconservato said...

Go Jan!

barbaraluel said...

Hello Jan!
Thank you very much!!! It's wonderful!!!
Please send my book back to me: Barbara Luel Pecheur, rue des Merisiers 55, B-1170 Brussels, Belgium. I would like to get it back now... :-))
Thank you very much for your great entry!

二月niji said...

I can't wait to find out where that QR code takes me to.
I love all three entries, how they are similar yet still unique to each other. btw, the two heads coming out of Emma's volcanoes brings a smile to my face.

Little Mo and Friends said...

the entries look so fabulous!!!!!!!!! amazing amazing!!

Jan Allsopp said...

Thanks everyone!

Barbara I will send it back to you!

Niji the QR code wasn't put in by me. Don't know who it was. You are right, Emma hasn't had your book yet, so I'll send it on to her.

Thanks Emma and Helena!

barbaraluel said...

I got it back ! It looks fabulous !!!!!!!!!!! Thank you all very very much !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jan,

I have sent my address to the e-mail address in your post.

Look forward to seeing the book!
