my entire weekend was split between my favorite band's concert and moly_x_3. crazy huh? now my book is on its way to oO, and you, and you, and you...
This is the first entry in my themeless left-handed moleskine. Instead of having each of us drawing in a continuous 2.5-page-per-person fashion, I'd really like us to have more fun with the spaces. I left graffiti marks throughout the pages and can't wait to see the things you all do to it. You can continue in order from right to left, or skip around to any area you like. (anyhow, please don't let these get in your way...)
今 キミは何処から (Now, where did you just come from?)
夢を見つけるため (Here to see a dream?)
欲望に酔うため (Or to become intoxicated by desire?)
ねえ 聞かせてよ (Nē (hey), please tell me.)
I want to convey this love with you
Until the color of the universe is true
these are the phrases I left all over my book. they are taken from the lyrics of a song.
(please don't forget to sign in on the first page with your name & country)
Looks like a fun book to work in! Thanks for the translations!
Hmm. country. so which country should that be. The country you were born in? The nationality/genetic heritage you your parents? the country you grew up in? your current country of residence? last known location? citizenship?
So many choices.... regardless, I'm looking forward to receiving your book, and adding to it.
I was actually thinking about asking people to add the GPS location of where they worked on the sketchbook, and track that on a map... :-)
the country in which you completed your portion of this book, please :) just so that many many years later, when I've forgotten who you guys are (I am just kidding) I still at least know where my book had traveled.
if you go on a holiday to several countries with my book, then... we'll figure something out.
by the way, has anyone read that little insert about the history of Moleskine notebooks from the back pocket? it mentions Bruce Chatwin's book "The Songlines" which is about his trip to Australia "for the express purpose of researching Aboriginal song and its connections to nomadic travel."(I got that from wiki)... anyhow, that's where I got the title to this entry "songlines". and the line "I want to convey this love with you" is written upside-down as a salute to our friends on the other side of the equator. ~♥
Just a quick note to say that I've received Niniji's sketchbook.
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