Sunday, March 27, 2011

Things on my desk - Rowland's book

I really like the 'stream of consciousness' feel from Rowland's book. I let the things that I keep on my desk for inspiration / distraction guide me.

And here are the things on my desk.


Jan Allsopp said...

Brilliant! Has a sense of potential - the creatve potential of the work that is made on your desk.

barbaraluel said...

Super !!!! So joyfull and playfull !!!! And well melting in the Moly !!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks guys!! I was beginning to feel a bit left out :-)
I think I misunderstood the 'rules of the game' I thought the idea was to be 'stream of consciousness' so the two books that came to me were here only a week or two. I didn't realise that we had a month to play with them: but then maybe it's good that we all are different... some of you guys have produced the most amazing art-- I don't consider myself an artist- in Italy I describe myself as 'lo scarabocchiatore' the scribbler- and I don't think I'm putting myself down as much as 'setting out my stall' as it were so I'll probably do the same with the other books when they get here: it'll probably still only take a week or so! . . but then maybe not :-)
Happy sketching!!!!

benconservato said...

The moleskines that fall in my hands are rarely worked on longer than a few hours, so don't stress Rowland. I find if I think too much about working in them I screw up. So fast is better.

Anonymous said...

Thanks... not stressed . . I know that some of the 'best' stuff I've ever done were 3 minute sketches in a life class when I'd just started back in 2004.

二月niji said...

actually, there were only 4 days between the day I received EWian's book (2/14) and the day I posted the finished work and its video (2/17)... Rowland you are not alone!!
Now you know you don't have to finish in a hurry, but you don't have to use up the whole month either. :-)

二月niji said...

loved seeing how the things on Jennifer's desk 'come to life' in her drawing. (those googly-eyed wooden creatures!! XDDDDDDDDDD)